Join Our Team!

  • What We Offer

    If you are looking for the freedom of working in private practice without the isolation and hassle of working alone and owning a business, we may be the place for you! As an Independent Contractor, you will have the freedom of working for yourself while we provide billing services, an EHR charting system, advertising, group and individual consultation, and physical office space. You choose the days and times you want to work and whether you do so in person or virtually.

    Our full time contractors are asked to maintain a 20 hour per week caseload while our part-time contractors work a minimum of 10 clinical hours per week. You can always work more than the minimum, if you want and it is up to you when you take your vacation time, time off, and sick leave - no approval needed.

    We pay between 50% to 70% per every claim that you submit. The percentage you earn is based on your education level, specialized training, and licensure. If your earnings start at a lower percentage, there are opportunities to increase that amount including, completion of professional trainings/certifications, years of tenure with the practice, and completion of education and licensure requirements.

    If you are interested in applying for a position, please feel free to email us at